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Summer Clerks Research Guide

Strategies and research tips for working law students

Is it Administrative Law?

Ask yourself: is an agency involved?

Hints that administrative law may be part of your research:

  • There is a statute involved
  • The topic is highly-regulated (e.g., food, banking, telecommunications)
  • There is a Board, Commission, Department, Bureau, or Office involved
  • There are adversarial hearings, but not in a traditional court

Consult a Treatise

If you think you might be dealing with administrative law, consult a treatise or agency manual to confirm your hunch:

Review your chosen agency's website for links to primary law.

Research usually involves the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) - the current code.

Consult a Research Guide

If you're not finding what you need, consult a guide to Administrative Law Research.

Looseleafs and Other Guidance

​Some highly-regulated practice areas have specialized resources bringing together primary and secondary sources. Some are in Bloomberg Law's "Practice Centers."