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Sources of Statistics for Legal Writing

Survey Information from the Bureau of the Census

The Bureau of the Census provides current and periodic survey information about the United States, published in the form of the Decennial Census (every 10 years), 5-year economic and government censuses, and the American Community Survey (demographics data collected annually). Although most Americans know the census of people, the Census Bureau provides many other resources in addition to its surveys. See links below for census programs:

Historical Census Publications:

  • The Statistical Abstract of the United States was published by the Bureau of the Census between 1878 and 2012 and provided an annual compilation of federal statistical data, across agencies. Although it is no longer published, the Statistical Abstract is still useful as a historical resource.
  • The Census Bureau's catalog describes its data products, organized by year.
  • Past decennial census publications from 1790 to 2010 can be found here.

Using Census Data Tools in Your Research: