Immigration law research platform with statutes, regulations, and selected case law. It also contains agency correspondence and manuals, AILA/government liaison minutes, forms, and many AILA publications including Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook.
Association of energy professionals with a newsletter, magazine, podcasts, and reports on matters related to energy. To access the content you must create an account using your USD email address at the AES web page.
Access to popular study aids for almost every course in law school. This includes the following series: Emanuel's Crunchtime, Emanuel's Law Outlines, Examples & Explanations, and the Glannon Guides.
Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy (Yale's) Digital copies of documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. Includes links to supporting documents.
Yale Law School - Lillian Goldman Law Library
Legal research platform with law and secondary sources. Law students must register for access. Please contact the LRC reference desk to obtain a Bloomberg Law account. PACER documents and BNA resources, including the BNA Tax Portfolios, and are accessible through Bloomberg Law.
Students: use the authorization code you see after logging into USDOne. Faculty: contact the reference desk for the faculty code.
California Judicial Council Forms The Judicial Council adopts legal forms in one of two ways. Under Government Code section 68511, the council may "prescribe" certain forms. Use of those forms is mandatory. The council may also "approve" forms. Use of an approved form is not mandatory, but the form must be accepted by all courts in appropriate cases (rule 1.35). Forms thus are "adopted" for mandatory use and "approved" for optional use.
California Law Revision Commission The California Law Revision Commission is an independent state agency created by statute in 1953. It assists the Legislature and Governor by examining California law and recommending needed reforms, providing relevant studies and reports.
California Legislative Information This site contains legislation from the 1993-1994 Regular Session of the Legislature to the current time. Information on older legislation may be obtained by contacting the State Law Library at 916-654-0185.
California State Publications California State Publications (CSP) is a monthly listing of official publications received by the State Library from California governmental agencies. Each issue includes three parts: an introductory section, a register (consisting of the catalog records produced for new state publications for that month), and an index.
More than 37,000 titles published by Cambridge University Press and its publishing partners.
Casetext A free legal research platform to search statutes, cases, and regulations at the federal and state levels of government. It has annotations from attorney editors.
Checkpoint Edge provides access to tax and accounting topics such as: Federal Tax; State & Local Tax; International Tax; Accounting, Auditing, and Corporate Finance; Estate Planning; Payroll; Pension and Benefits.
The National Consumer Law Center publishes 21 manuals on various topics that detail state legislation and case law in all 50 states, with analysis of federal laws, regulations, cases, agency interpretations, and letters.
Alternate Names CQ Electronic Library, Congressional Quarterly. The CQ Press Electronic Library (CQEL) contains resources about the American government, politics, history, public policy, and current affairs.
Collection of reference books that includes the following: Dictionary of Languages; Guns in American Society—An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture and the Law; International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics; and the World of Criminal Justice. Provided by Copley Library.
Draws upon thousands of sources to trace the Constitution's progress through each of the thirteen states' conventions.
ECOLEX Documents on environmental law includes treaties, legislation from countries around the world, court decisions, and legal and policy literature.
Receive the Employment Law, NLRB Law, and Arbitration Law Memos; access to "Latest Cases;" access to Advanced Search. Graduates get a one-year individual subscription.
Europa The official web page of the European Union, Europa provides excellent access to official EU documents, especially recent documents through a service called Eur-Lex.
Every CRS Report Includes 8,255 CRS reports. It's every CRS report that's available on Congress's web site with redacted contact info and names of virtually all the analysts from the reports. If you're looking for older reports, our good friends at may have them. We also show how much a report has changed over time (whenever CRS publishes an update), and provide RSS feeds.
Federal and state laws with coverage going back to 1 U.S. 1, 1 F.2d 1, 1 F.Supp. 1, and 1 B.R. 1. The Fastcase collection includes cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions. Fastcase also provides access to a newspaper archive, legal forms, and a PACER search of federal filings. Also searches HeinOnline Law Reviews.
The Financial Times provides authoritative news coverage on global business, finance and politics. To access Financial Times, you must create an account using your USD email address at this registration page:
FLARE Index to Treaties The FLARE Index to Treaties (FIT) is a fully searchable database indexing and listing over 2,000 of the most significant multilateral treaties concluded from 1353 onwards and a number of significant bilateral treaties signed between 1353 and 1815.
Information on sources of foreign law, including legislation and the existence of English translations and references to secondary sources. Approximately 190 jurisdictions are covered.
Foreign Law Research Country-by-Country Database (Yale's) Country-by-country guide of free and subscription-based foreign law research materials. USD patrons would have access to any subscription-based sources that USD has licensed.
Search in English a rapidly growing index of more than 1.3 million laws and regulations from 48 countries. Exclusive access to machine-translated legislation from countries including the following: China, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Denmark, and Finland. In addition, will search over 180,000 technical standards used in laws.
GlobaLex Articles and research guides on foreign and international law written by legal academics, practitioners, and other specialists around the world. It is especially helpful for providing guidance on the research of foreign jurisdictions, e.g. A Guide to Legal Research in Israel.
Google Scholar Search scholarly articles across a broad range of topics from one search prompt.
HathiTrust Digital Library (Global Public Domain only) Digital repository bringing together collections from US research libraries. Full-text of works that are out of copyright or in the public domain are available for viewing or searching.
Over 270,000 titles of historical and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format. Comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,700 law-related periodicals. Contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and entire databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more. This includes the Legislative History Library (U.S. Federal).
ICLR is a not for profit organisation that was established in 1865 as the authorised publisher of the official series of The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales
International Justice Resource Center An excellent starting point for researching international human rights law, international courts and monitoring bodies. IJRC provides regular updates on practical and legal developments, thematic guides on specific human rights, and more.
Articles from over 1,000 scholarly journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials for academic work. Provided by Copley Library.
International arbitration research that contains commentary as well as arbitration awards with the legal reasoning of the arbitrators. Includes materials from the International Chamber of Commerce.
Law Review Commons Over 75,000 articles from open-access law reviews with issues dating to 1904.
Legal news service by a subsidiary of LexisNexis. Started as a daily online newsletter on intellectual property law, and now include articles on many subjects including tax and international law.
Access to books by Lexis and affiliated publishers. This includes law treatises as well as study aids for almost every course in law school like the Understanding series and the Questions & Answers series.
Archival and other materials in these topic areas: U.S. Federal Government, U.S. States, U.S. Territories, Anglo-American Collections, Foreign Jurisdictions, International Law and Organizations, and Multijurisdictional Subject Collections.
Records and briefs from the U.S. Supreme Court from 1832-1978. For 1832, when printed Court records began, through 1915 the documents are primarily from the Jenkins Memorial Law Library, America's first law library. From 1915 through 1978 the source is the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
Articles offering a global overview of constitutional law for constitutional lawyers, academics, and students. The encyclopedia includes articles on children’s rights, the right to education, the right to privacy, supreme/constitutional courts of Argentina, Colombia, France, Israel, Japan, and Mexico, and more.
Over 1,700 articles on public international law. It is a starting point for researching international law.
Municodes by State Access to many local jurisdictions' codified ordinances and some tribal law.
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) The National Conference of State Legislatures is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's 50 states, its commonwealths and territories. NCSL provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues. NCSL provides helpful charts and graphs of states’ legislative sessions.
Nexis Uni offers news, business, and legal sources, including federal and state cases and statutes. This simplified version of Lexis designed for college campuses includes the Shepard's citator. Provided by Copley Library.
Collection of handbooks areas across different subject areas contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. Handbook articles review the key issues and cutting-edge debates, as well as providing arguments for how those debates might evolve. Monthly updates introduce articles in advance of print publication ensuring the most current, authoritative coverage.
LRC is currently subscribed to Law. USD has full text access to philosophy and religion titles added to OHO through May 2012. Titles in political science and business are abstract only.
OUP is a major publisher of academic journals, both in the sciences and the humanities. It has been noted as one of the first university presses to publish an open access journal and probably the first to introduce Hybrid open access journals. Subscription database – access restricted to USD faculty, students, and staff.
Books, journal articles, and a citator. If content is unavailable here, then you may check the catalog or request it from the Circuit or interlibrary loan. Provided in partnership with Copley Library.
Publications generated by the U.S. Congress and finding aids including relevant executive branch materials. CIS Legislative Histories, 1969-present; House & Senate Reports, 1817-present; House & Senate Hearings, 1824-present; Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports, 1916-present; House & Senate Documents, 1817-present, and Committee Prints & Miscellaneous Publications, 1830-present; Executive Reports, 1843-present, & Executive Documents, 1825-1980; Serial Set, 1789-present.
Collection of historical documents on various topics that include the following: NAACP Papers; Nazi Looted Art and Assets—Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process (1942-1998); New Deal and WWII—President Frank D. Roosevelt's Office Files and Records of Federal Agencies; and World War II—U.S. Documents on Planning, Operations, Intelligence, Axis War Crimes, and Refugees.
ProQuest Legislative Insight Over 18,000 legislative histories covering laws from 1929 to the present. 9,000 are new, and 4,000 include new research. Includes only bills that have passed.
Federal administrative law histories beginning in 1936, organized by federal statute and Executive Order. Creates regulatory histories for individual federal statutes and executive orders by compiling pertinent Federal Register articles.
Regulations are organized by the Agency and compiled into regulatory histories associated with Public Laws or Executive Orders when appropriate. Most documents issued before 1936.
Environment-related public laws and hearings, legislative and executive branch information, press releases, and news articles. Includes timelines; topic pages on law, concepts, and events; and rekeyed statistical content to allow researchers to work with the data.
Explore US government policies in context with topic pages and timelines. Includes all healthcare related public laws and Congressional hearings, legislative and executive branch reports, and relevant statistical data series.
Materials are organized by topic and include a topic summary and timeline with legislation, executive orders, CRS reports, hearings, GAO reports, data from the annual reports and the Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, newspaper articles, and press releases.
Over 80 practice guides and treatises. See the complete list through the LRC's catalog by clicking the link.
SANDAG SANDAG creates and maintains a tremendous quantity of demographic, economic, land use, transportation and criminal justice information about the San Diego region.
Over 400 journals on topics including the following: agricultural & biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics & molecular biology, chemistry, earth & planetary sciences, medicine, and social science. Provided by Copley Library.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) New, forthcoming, and not yet accepted for publication articles from the social sciences (includes law), has specialized research networks. USD posts faculty publications on SSRN.
Over 1,500 journals on topics including the following: the social sciences, business, humanities, medicine, physical and life sciences. Provided by Copley Library.
News and commentary tax policy. Create an account while on campus with the "Sign In" link on the Taxnotes home page for access to Tax Notes Federal, International, State Tax and Exempt Organizations Tax Review along with the news and commentary articles that can be set for email delivery.
Uniform Law Database Access to state uniform acts model laws from The Uniform Law Commission. The ULC has worked since 1892 with state commissions on uniform laws from each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
United Nations Official Document System (ODS) ODS includes PDFs of all types of United Nations documents since 1993. Many older UN documents have been added. Includes resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards.
United Nations Digital Library A result of the successful collaboration between the Dag Hammarskjold Library and the United Nations Office at Geneva Library, the platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format free of charge. At the same time it is a major service for the long-term preservation of the Organization's collective memory incorporating the latest relevant international standards.
United Nations Treaty Collection Treaties and international agreements entered into by member states and registered with the United Nations. is your online guide to government information and services.
Legal research platform covering law and secondary sources on tax and securities laws at the federal, state, and local levels of government, as well as including international materials.
Access to popular study aids for almost every course in law school. This includes the authoritative Hornbook series as well as the following: Exam Pro, Gilbert Law Summaries, Nutshells, and even flashcards for Torts and Contracts.
Legal research platform with law and secondary sources. Rutter Group publications and Practical Law are available through Westlaw.
WorldCat Locate items at may world libraries from one search prompt. While this search of WorldCat in free, FirstSearch, WorldCat's advanced search function, is provided by Copley Library.
News and commentary on intellectual property issues.
Enter terms with letters only—no numbers. Separate search terms with a space. Each term may exist anywhere in the resources being searched—even as only part of a word. The search connects the terms with the "and" boolean operator.