Current Legislative Counsel Website:
The Legislative Counsel’s Website,, (pictured above) is a comprehensive resource for legislative history for statutes chaptered from 1999 to the present.
The Bill Information tab on the home page allows you to search by keyword, bill number, or statute number and year. Enter the pertinent information into the search fields and hit “Search” to find your bill.
Your selection will start automatically on the Text tab (pictured below). Here you will see the Legislative Counsel’s Digest, the text of the bill, and some tabs along the top of the page which link to further legislative history:
The Legislative Counsel’s Digest (located at the beginning of the bill text) is a summary of the bill prepared by the nonpartisan Legislative Counsel’s Office that tells the legislators what they’re voting on.
The History tab shows which committees reviewed the bill and whether there were any hearings or reports.
Use this tab to find the committee that the bill originated in (will generally be the first committee listed in time apart from the rules committee).
Using this information, you can look on the committee’s website or in the LRC Catalog to find any published hearings or reports. For a list of committee websites, visit:
Search LRC Catalog ( to determine whether the LRC owns the hearing or report. The general format for this search is: california legislature [assembly/senate] committee on [education/public safety/etc.]
The Bill Analysis tab often contains Comments and/or Arguments for/against the measure. Committee Analyses are written by the staff of the legislature’s committees, summarizing the committee action on the bill and often including information about the bill’s intent.
The Compare Versions tab helps visualize the amendment process: added language is indicated by blue italics; deleted language is indicated by red strikethrough.
The new website version allows you to compare from any one amendment/ version to any other, which is a feature the old website did not have.
Old Legislative Counsel Website:
The old Legislative Counsel Website,, (pictured above) includes older bills than the new website, but contains essentially all the same information. A search by bill number, author, or keyword allows you to find a bill and view its Status, History, Analyses, and Votes.
This older information is not contained in a comprehensive online source like the more recent statutes.
Legislative Counsel’s Digest: (1850-2008) State Assembly Chief Clerk’s Archives
Assembly Analysis: