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Animal Law


A baby chick standing next to a gavel and blockSince animal law is a relatively new area of law and since animal rights are increasingly advocated for, there are often new developments in animal law.  It is therefore important to keep up with the most recent developments when researching any area of animal law.  There are many animal legal news sources available, as well as blogs that provide analyses of the most current updates.

News Sources/ Blogs

Some helpful news sources that are focused on animal law are listed below:

The Animal Legal Defense Fund has a news page.

The ABA Journal has an Animal Law news page.

The Michigan State University's Animal Legal & Historical Center has a news archive categorized by month.

The Conversation has an Animal Law articles page.

There are many blogs about animal law, as well.  JUSTIA has an Animal and Dog Law Blawgs page that includes an extensive list of the most popular animal law blogs.

HeinOnline has a guide called The Guide to Animal Law Resources with other resources that may provide direction to news sources.