Hispanic Heritage Month presents an opportunity for the LRC to explore the significance of Hispanic Americans in legal history. Check out the resources on this page for a sampling of the great resources about this topic online and in the LRC's collection.
In this Oct. 13, 2019, file photo, participants march down 5th Avenue in New York holding flags of nations of hispanic
heritage during the 55th Hispanic Day Parade in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month; credit: NBCUniversal Media.
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The celebration starts mid-month to celebrate the anniversaries of for the Latin American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua on Sept. 15, as well as Mexico’s independence on September 16, and Chile's on Sept. 18. Many Spanish-speaking countries also celebrate Día de la Raza (known elsewhere as Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples Day) on Oct. 11 which celebrates the Hispanic heritage of Latin America and honors many of the traditions and cultures that were wiped out because of Columbus’ colonization.